When five a day may not be good for you

For years we have been told that a glass (150ml) of unsweetened fruit juice counts as one of our recommended ‘five a day’, however this advice can be confusing as many fruit juices contain more than 6 teaspoons of sugar. Even smoothies can be deceiving and when fruit is juiced or blended, sugars are released which may lead to tooth decay as well as weight gain.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has now issued guidelines recommending that we cut the limit by half, and that sugars should make up no more than 5% of our daily calorie intake.

Public Health England advise that we should limit our fruit juice consumption to the recommended limit of 150ml a day. They also advise that to help reduce tooth decay, fruit juices should be consumed alongside meals and, for children, fruit juices should be seen as an occasional treat.

Fruit juice should no longer be considered a routine drink and for hydration purposes water is always the better option.

Ebola update : Guinea now “stable”.

More than 5,400 people have now died as a result of the Ebola outbreak with Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia the worst hit, however the World Health Organisation has reported that for Guinea at least, the outbreak is now “stable”.

There remain a few areas particularly in the South East of the country where flare ups continue to be reported but elsewhere conditions are starting to improve.