Category Archives: ALC Health News

New ALC Health plans win international private medical insurance product design prize

HI Magazine

Leading international publication the ‘Health Insurance & Protection Daily’ has given ALC Health’s new Prima Plans the ‘thumbs up’ in their product review, awarding Prima Platinum and Prima Concept plans a whopping 8 out of 10 rating.

The Judges commented that “ALC Health has effectively topped and tailed its existing Prima plan, offering both super budget and high end benefits” adding that “One advantage of having a wider range is that clients can choose which version best suits their needs.

In particular, above inflation price rises have led to more people choosing budget cover, so having a new budget option should open up the market for this plan. Clients could then upgrade their benefits as budgets allow.”

Read the full article at

Walking for Charity – ALC Health sponsors “The Hidden Benahavis”

ALC Health are proud to be a co-sponsor of this years FUNDRAISING WALK  “The Hidden Benahavis” which is being held on SATURDAY, 12TH OCTOBER 2013 where walkers will get the chance to discover the outstanding countryside and mountains behind the beautiful “White Village” of Benahavis.  There will be 2 walks, one easy and the other a little more challenging and all walks will be guided and supervised.


If you would like to know more, perhaps even join in please follow the link:

ALC Health launches new online quotation service

Today sees the launch of ALC Health’s new upgraded online quotation facility ( providing fast flexible quotes across our full range of four core international medical insurance plans.




ALC Health launches two new international medical insurance plans

new_iconWith the increasing demand for international private medical insurance, ALC Health has launched two new plans to complement its existing range of Prima Healthcare products.

Prima Concept is a new budget plan targeting those who are looking for their basic healthcare necessities to be covered including hospital care, specialist treatments, family doctor fees and emergency evacuation benefits.

Aimed at the growing demand for low cost quality international medical insurance plans across Asia, Europe, Africa and the Middle East, Prima Concept offers a choice of currency and excess options that make this new plan particularly attractive to anyone looking for medical insurance on a budget.

Prima Platinum, meanwhile is a benefit rich package, is ALC Health’s second new offering aimed at the top end of the market.

With an extensive range of high value benefits and the option to select from a choice of four levels of routine pregnancy and childbirth cover, enhanced routine dental benefits and full refund evacuation or repatriation cover,  Prima Platinum is aimed at Corporate International Executives and High Net Worth Individuals who are looking for the ‘best available’ coverand including IVF Treatment, Kidney Dialysis, extended Chronic Treatment and full Cancer cover including hospice care.

Click here for benefit comparison tables                          

Andrew Apps, Director at ALC Health comments:

“We have been listening carefully to what iPMI brokers across the world have been saying to us about the need for both high level and value added products which would fill the gap around many traditional expatriate plans common place to international medical insurance providers.

Their insight has been invaluable and enabled ALC Health to create two exciting new iPMI solutions that we believe provide a real answer to the growing demand for flexible international private medical insurance particularly across the emerging markets of South East Asia and Continental Africa where demand for products that combine financial security with high quality customer support has never been greater.

Traffic accidents threat to expats

Road accidents are one of the major risks for expats abroad and significantly impact on general expat health, being one of the top five causes of medical evacuations. According to a World Health Organisation (WHO) study, 1.24 million people were killed on the world’s roads in 2010 writes

The Global status report on road safety 2013 presents information on road safety in 182 countries, accounting for 99% of the world’s population. Road accidents are the leading cause of death among young people aged 15-29 globally.

Middle-income countries have been hardest hit by rising road traffic accidents, these are emerging nations such as the BRICs and several Asian countries.

In these developing countries rapid access to healthcare can be a challenge. Something expats need to consider when choosing an international health insurance policy is whether they have medical evacuation included.

The study found only 28 countries, equating to 7 percent of the global population, have laws on five key risk factors: drink-driving, speeding, use of crash helmets, seatbelts and child restraints. However, enforcement of these rules, even in countries with existing legislation, is inadequate.

Health insurance for expatriates is a complicated industry, one which is constantly shifting. In Europe the impact of the economic crisis on health services has meant several countries have restricted access to expats and business travellers.

This comes at a time when business travel is increasing, despite persistent financial woes across much of the developed world. According to data from Euromonitor International, business travel has been steadily increasing to 212 million international arrivals in 2012.

With this increase in business travel, the constantly changing landscape of international health insurance and many countries tightening healthcare rules for expats, companies need to ensure they provide emergency evacuation coverage as part of their employee medical insurance package.

Reproduced with kind permission of

Fair people risk skin cancer by thinking their skin is darker

One of the benefits of expat life is improved weather, especially for northern Europeans. We all know a little sunshine is good for us, and even recommended. However, many people are still unaware of the risks they are taking in the sun writes

A recent survey shows that while many Europeans have traditionally fair skin, nearly half (48%) think their skin is darker than it is in reality. This could mean people don’t appreciate the damage they are doing when exposing their skin to the sun, especially in countries where it tends to be stronger.

With public awareness of skin cancer at an all time high, why are skin cancer rates still growing? One reason may be related to how we see our skin, thinking it’s darker than it is causes us to stay in the sun longer than we should.

The survey also discovered the desire for a tan is increasing, with 62 percent of people questioned revealing they think a tan is attractive, up from 56 percent five years ago. Over three quarters (80%) of us never check for signs of skin cancer, with a shocking 69 percent admitting they didn’t know what to look for.

What to look out for

Many of us have dark patches or raised moles on our skin, while these usually remain harmless it is important to recognise any changes.

Cancer Research UK recommends checking moles following the ABCD rule. If you notice any of these signs then see your doctor:

  • Asymmetry – the two halves of your mole don’t look the same
  • Border – the edges of the mole are irregular
  • Colour – your moles isn’t all the same colour, with more than one shade.
  • Diameter – your mole is more than 6mm wide.

You should also look out for a new growth or sore that won’t heal; a spot, mole or sore that itches or hurts; and a mole or growth that bleeds, crusts or scabs.

Reproduced by kind permission of

What health benefits should expat workers expect to receive?

When moving abroad expats are confronted with all manner of things, one of which is ensuring they have some form of health insurance. For expatriate workers companies will often provide benefits, including international health insurance.

Employee Benefits has compiled some important information concerning common health benefits offered to expats to give you an idea of what to expect. The recent survey of 376 HR and benefits professionals revealed the most frequently offered health benefit is private medical insurance (PMI), offered in 33% of cases.

The research also discovered that international employees are often offered life assurance/death in service benefits too (28%), as well as PMI for employees’ dependants (27%) and employee assistance programmes (22%).

Employee benefits organised the survey so that the overall use of expatriate healthcare benefits was reviewed across the entire sample of respondents. This is displayed in the table below, taken from Employee Benefits’ original report.

Referring to PMI’s position as the primary health benefit for expats, this comes as no surprise because many countries do not have an equivalent to the UK’s National Health Service (NHS), and so expats require comprehensive insurance to cover any medical bills.

In addition, the survey compared this year’s results with those gathered in 2010, 2011 and 2012. Between 2011 and 2012, the percentage of respondents offering PMI for expat employees dropped from 83% to 70%, having increased from 76% to 83% between 2010 and 2011. Furthermore, the number of companies with no offer of health benefits doubled between 2011 and 2012 from 6% to 12%, but this percentage has fallen to 9% over the course of the past year.

 The comparison conveys a considerable change, with more companies reducing the benefits they do offer, possibly in order to adapt to the current economic situation. Further illustrated by the survey, which found 78% of companies say cost is a factor in which benefits they buy or continue to offer to employees abroad.

An important point worth noting is that expatriate PMI will allow those expats who are not offered the level of medical service overseas they are used to receiving at home to seek care in other countries or return home for treatment.

In light of the research, it is positive to see the variety of health benefits frequently offered to overseas employees. Currently, with many countries cutting or restricting expat access to healthcare, companies are under more pressure to provide expat health benefits to ensure that their foreign workforce is fully covered. Cutting out benefits entirely is not really an option if an organisation wishes to remain an attractive employer and to be seen as providing duty of care.

Reproduced by kind permission of

Beach Safety Tips

We’re at the peak of summer, which means one thing for many of us: relaxing trips to the beach. But as carefree as a day or vacation at the beach might be, it’s still important to take extra safety precautions to ensure a fun time throughout your entire stay writes the

Decrease your chances of summer risks that range from water-related injuries to melanoma. Here’s how to protect yourself and your loved ones from danger at the beach:

  • Learn How to Swim: Knowing how to swim is the best way to protect yourself and your kids in the water; your chances of drowning are almost five times greater if you don’t know how to swim. While it’s best to learn at an early age, it’s never too late to take swimming classes.
  • Wear a Lifejacket if Necessary: Young children and those who don’t know how to swim should always wear a lifejacket when in or around water, especially if they’re on a boat.
  • Wear Plenty of Sunscreen: Too much sun exposure is bad for your body, so avoid getting sunburn and skin cancer by applying broad spectrum sunscreen of 15 SPF or higher, or by wearing clothing that covers your skin. Additionally, no sunscreen is water or sweat-proof, and should be applied every two hours.
  • Pay Attention to Flags and Signs: Warning signs might inform you of strong rip currents, and flags often indicate designated swimming areas with lifeguards on duty. Be sure to look for these flags and read all beach warnings prior to heading into the water. If you’re not sure what something means, ask a lifeguard.
  • Understand Rip Currents: If you’ve ever gone to the beach and mysteriously ended up a lot further away from the shore than you wanted to be, you probably experienced a rip current. These concentrated rivers of water that move offshore can cause people to drift far away from the beach. To get out of a rip current, do not try to swim directly back to shore. Instead, swim parallel to the shore until you can feel the current relax. Then you can swim safely back to the sandy beach. Also, be sure to stay at least 100 feet away from piers and jetties, since rip currents are very common in these areas.
  • Don’t Dive Into Unknown Water: Enter water feet first to avoid serious lifelong injuries that can result from accidentally diving into shallow or rocky waters. Check for depth and any other obstructions in the water that may pose a potential danger to your safety.
  • Drink Plenty of Water: The sun can dehydrate your body quickly, so be sure to drink lots of water at the beach. Stay away from caffeine and alcohol, as these can cause further dehydration.
  • Swim Near a Lifeguard: Reduce your chances of drowning by swimming during the day where a lifeguard is present.