Category Archives: Global Medical Alert

10 things you need to know about Ebola

1. Ebola virus disease (previously known as Ebola hemorrhagic fever) is a rare but severe disease, which is caused by Ebola virus. It was first recognized in 1976 and has caused sporadic outbreaks ever since in several African countries.

2. More than 1,500 cases have been reported in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone since March 2014, of which there have been more than 900 deaths. This is the first documented Ebola outbreak in West Africa and the largest ever known outbreak of this disease. There are currently no signs that the outbreak is coming under control, with new cases reported daily from both known and new outbreak areas. Cases of virus transmission continue to emerge in both the community and health-care settings. All 3 capital cities have been affected: Conakry (Guinea), Monrovia (Liberia) and Freetown (Sierra Leone). In addition, the situation in Nigeria is currently evolving and the extent to which this country will also be involved in the outbreak is unknown.

3. The continued spread of the disease probably relates at least in part to issues of strong, local cultural beliefs (such as washing the bodies of the dead, and the stigma surrounding the disease); overpopulation and crowding; migration of people across borders; a perception by local people that the healthcare professionals attempting to help are making things worse; and inadequate human resources on a background of deep poverty.

4. The virus is transmitted to people initially from wild animals, and then from person to person via contact with blood and body fluids. In addition, contaminated objects (clothes, needles) can also transmit infection if handled. Airborne transmission is thought to be limited to those viruses carried in large droplets of human secretions.

5. Infection with Ebola virus leads to sudden onset of fever, chills, muscle aches, headache, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, with sore throat and in some cases a rash. This will develop as early as 2 days after infection and as late as 21 days. This is then followed by impaired kidney and liver function and stomach pain, and in some cases uncontrolled bleeding, both external (such as through puncture sites) and internal (causing vital organ damage). Ebola is fatal in 50 to 90% of cases who develop these signs and symptoms.

6. Many other far more common illnesses in these countries start off like Ebola, such as flu, typhoid, and malaria. This makes prompt and early assessment even more important – especially since survival seems better in those cases identified early.

7. It is very important to remember that you will not be at risk of Ebola infection unless you have been in close contact with people with the above symptoms. You cannot catch Ebola from people who are well, with the exception of close contact of a sexual nature, as patients who have recovered may still be infectious for a considerable period of time.

8. Nevertheless, if you feel unwell with symptoms such as fever, chills, muscle aches, headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, sore throat or rash within 21 days of coming back from Guinea, Liberia or Sierra Leone, you should stay at home and immediately telephone relevant health services. These services will provide advice and arrange for you to be seen in a hospital if necessary, so that the cause of your illness can be determined as quickly as possible. Unless you have had direct contact with sick people in these countries, another diagnosis for which treatment is available (such as malaria) may be made, and you will be treated.

9. For those performing humanitarian work in these countries, the risk of Ebola infection will relate entirely to the quality and consistency of your personal Infection Control procedures and discipline. Perfect and vital barrier technique includes wearing protective gowns, gloves, masks and eye protection or face shields, and the careful removal of these after use. WHO recommendations address direct patient care, laboratory activities, post mortem examinations, movement and burial of human remains, cleaning and waste disposal.

10. In conclusion:
Don’t go to these countries unless you really have to
If you are there, be very careful to avoid crowded public places and close contact with others. If you are there for humanitarian purposes, go prepared, trained, vigilant, and equipped with personal protective equipment

Author: Dr. Vanya Gant


What You Should Do If You Feel Sick After Vacation

A great holiday can leave you with lasting memories and souvenirs, not to mention fatigue or jetlag. But what if you’re feeling a little more than just tiredness and a dread of going back to work?

Most post-vacation sicknesses are mild, such as a head cold or upset stomach. But up to eight percent of travelers are sick enough to seek doctor’s care. Following an overseas trip, there are some symptoms the Centers for Disease Control says warrant a trip to your doctor advises the

If you have a fever, chances are good that it is caused by a less serious illness. But if you have a fever within a month after you leave a country with malaria, you should see your doctor immediately. Even if you took antimalarial medicine, your fever could still be a symptom because the medicine isn’t 100 percent effective.

Malaria typically develops within 30 days, but the CDC says there are rare cases that lie dormant for a year or longer. Because of this, you should tell your doctor about any traveling you have done no matter how long ago it was.

Diarrhea usually clears up within a few days. Traveler’s diarrhea is the most common illness when traveling. It’s usually caused by a bacterial infection from exposure to E. coli, Campylobacter, Shigella, or Salmonella in undercooked or raw foods, contaminated food, or contaminated water – including ice cubes!

If you are experiencing diarrhea, treat it by drinking fluids to prevent dehydration; begin a diet with simple, bland foods; and, if possible, drink a solution made with oral rehydration salts.

Most cases of traveler’s diarrhea get better within one to three days without medical treatment. But if it persists for two weeks or more, contact your doctor. Prolonged bouts of diarrhea can cause you to lose nutrients. An illness of this length is typically caused by a parasitic infection that needs to be treated with medication.

Skin Problems
Skin problems such as rashes, bug bites, fungal infections or boils, are the most common illnesses following international travel. In most cases, skin problems aren’t serious. But they could be signs of a more serious illness, especially if you also have a fever.

If you do make a visit to your doctor following a vacation, you should tell him or her about your travel. Most post-travel illnesses appear soon after a trip, but incubation periods vary, resulting in some symptoms not appearing for months to years following the initial infection. The CDC suggests providing your doctor with the following information about your trip:

What you did on your vacation
How long you were away
The accommodations you stayed in
What you ate and drank on your trip
If you were bitten by bugs
If you swam in fresh water
Any other possible sources of exposure, including tattoos and piercings

Japan confirms Dengue Fever Outbreak

Tropical diseases are not only found in poor countries.
Health officials in Tokyo have confirmed 19 new cases of dengue fever, bringing the total to 34 in the country’s first domestic outbreak since World War Two. The disease was found in individuals living in Tokyo and surrounding prefectures. None of the victims has been abroad recently, but all had visited Tokyo’s Yoyogi Park.

Officials said the disease was probably carried by mosquitoes found in and around the park, one of central Tokyo’s major green spaces. The disease is transmitted via Tiger mosquitoes which are endemic to Japan, though dengue fever was effectively eradicated from the country after the Second World War.

Dengue symptoms include high fever, headaches, joint and muscle pain, vomiting and bleeding. Most cases are mild, particularly in people who have never had the infection before. Occasionally, serious problems can develop, leading to complications such as dengue haemorrhagic fever, and dengue shock syndrome.

“It is rare for symptoms to worsen among those who have been infected,” a Japanese health ministry official said. “We hope people will seek treatment at a medical facility as soon as possible after developing a high fever within three to seven days after being bitten by a mosquito.”

The Japanese authorities have sprayed 800 litres of pesticide in the park to kill the mosquitoes and halt the spread of the infection. With the proper treatment dengue fever is fatal in only 1 percent of cases.

This outbreak, in one of the world’s richest countries, highlights the fact that neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) are not the sole preserve of poor countries, reports the Guardian. Governments need to realise that G20 countries are susceptible to the “lion’s share” of dangerous, yet low-profile illnesses, a US expert has warned.

Dr Peter Hotez, dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine in Baylor, Texas told the Guardian, northern Argentina, southern Mexico and the southern United States are areas where several NTDs are common. Texas and regions of the Gulf Coast have seen cases of dengue fever, Chagas disease, Chikungunya, and parasitic worm infections. He estimates that 12 million Americans have one or more tropical diseases.

He described his frustration with governments spending millions on HIV, TB, and malaria research while often neglecting NTDs. The UK and USA governments currently provide three-quarters of the development and research budget for NTDs.

“We’re working on the French and the Germans, who, I think are going to be very important. But we need to look even beyond the north and get all of the G20 countries involved – especially the Brics [Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa].”

SOURCE : expat

Ebola update from ALC Health

While the outbreak is still not contained and expected to last for the next six months, an increasing number of neighbouring countries have closed their borders with the affected countries during the week.

This week-end, Democratic Republic of Congo has reported several confirmed cases of Ebola in the remote Northern Equateur province. This outbreak is not considered in any way related with the ongoing outbreak in West Africa. Quarantine measures in a radius of 100 km around the location have been announced by the Ministry of Health and no travel advisories for Congo Have been issued.

Health workers are paying a heavy toll to the disease with 240 of them infected and 120 fatalities. This is creating a lack of medical staff in health facilities which are already overwhelmed. WHO is calling for international support from the healthcare professionals.

An experimental treatment (ZMAPP) which had thus far never been tested in humans has raised hopes after the recovery of two US aid workers who were discharged from hospital after being given the treatment. It has not been confirmed that the treatment was the reason for the cure. A Japanese company has announced introduction of an antiviral medication that may help counteract the Ebola virus, but it is in very early stages and untested on animals or humans. Therefore it is important to keep in mind that Ebola remains a disease without available specific treatment.

Locally the risk remains low for (non- healthcare workers) expatriates or travellers who follow strict hygiene rules by avoiding close contact with the patients or contaminated materials in high risk environments. However, expect a heightened state of alert related to the outbreak, resulting in more restrictions on travel. Additionally, expect that transportation entities and government authorities will act very cautiously to enable evacuation of any ill or injured foreigners in Ebola affected areas.

For all above reasons, the general recommendation remains to avoid or interrupt any travel to the countries of Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia for non- essential personnel.

Travel insurance versus expat insurance

Travellers are being warned about the importance of buying insurance if they plan on going abroad. According to a recent survey from The Points Guy, only 21 percent of people buy travel insurance, and of those, only 7 percent purchase it regularly.

So what is travel insurance?

Designed for short trips abroad, a standard plan covers cancellation, personal belongings, and emergency medical treatment. It can bought as a single- or multiple-trip policy and prices vary depending on many factors such as: where you are travelling, additional winter or water sports coverage, your age, pre-existing conditions and so on.

And international insurance?

An international medical insurance plan is designed to cover people who are living and working abroad. It generally includes inpatient treatment, check-ups, and long-term care of chronic conditions. An expat health plan usually allows you to choose where you receive treatment, even transferring you to another country if necessary. You can include extras such as compassionate visits, maternity care, and dental treatment. Expat health plans generally last a minimum of 12 months, though there are some options for people moving abroad for less than a year.

Ebola outbreak speed ‘unprecedented’ reports WHO

The World Health Organization has said the speed and extent of the Ebola outbreak in West Africa is “unprecedented”.

The WHO’s Dr Keiji Fukuda expressed concern over so-called “shadow zones”, areas which cannot be reached and where patients are not being detected.

The organisation confirmed 142 new cases of the disease had been reported since 19 August, as well as 77 deaths.

Already more people have died in this outbreak of Ebola than in any other.

At least 1,427 people have now died in the outbreak so far, with the number of cases now standing at 2,615.

Speaking at a news conference in the Liberian capital Monrovia, Dr Fukuda said combating the disease would take “several months of hard work”.

“We haven’t seen an Ebola outbreak covering towns, rural areas so quickly and over such a wide area,” he added.

Also on Friday, Nigerian authorities said that they had detected two new cases of the virus, both spouses of medical workers who had direct contact with a man who died from the virus in Nigeria after arriving from Liberia.

In Liberia on Friday, a boy of 16 shot during a protest about a quarantine died.

Shakie Kamara was one of three people seriously injured on Wednesday after security forces fired at protesters, angry after blockades were erected around the West Point slum.

SOURCE | BBC world News

Ebola – Scheduled Airlines suspended flights

A number of Scheduled Airlines have announced that they have suspended their flights to countries affected by the Ebola outbreak.
– Ai
– Arik Air [W3 / Lagos + Abuja]
– Asky [KP / Lomé]
– British Airways [BA / Londres]
– Camair
– Eagle
– Emirates [EK / Dubaï]
– Gam
– Kenya Airways [KQ / Nairobi]
Flight operations to other areas may also be affected by the Ebola Outbreak could be suspended at anytime with little or very short notice given by governments or air carriers.

Working through lunch and staying late ‘damaging employees’ health

Poor work habits like not taking a break, staying late or eating lunch at the desk are damaging the nation’s health, the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP) has warned reports Health Insurance Daily

Apoll of 2,000 employees, released for the CSP’s annual Workout at Work Day, found that 21% worked through their lunch every day.

Of those who do manage to take a break, 48% said they ate at their desk.

In addition, only 19% leave their workplace to go outside for a break and only 3% go to the gym, meaning most miss out on any kind of physical activity during the day.

Some 42% said they often had to cancel evening exercise plans because of work, while 32% said they started earlier or finished later than their contracted hours every day.

The CSP said employers should find ways to support staff to be more physically active during the working day in order to reduce their risk of developing musculoskeletal problems like back and neck pain and more serious illnesses such as cancer, heart disease and stroke.

Only 30% of workers said their employer provided any kind of exercise opportunities, such as a subsidised gym membership, a lunchtime running club, or an after work fitness class.

Prof Karen Middleton, chief executive of the CSP, said: “Full-time workers spend a significant bulk of their week at work, or travelling to and from it. Finding ways to build in time to do at least 30 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity, five times a week, can be a challenge.”

by Emily Perryman

Polio spread is an “international health emergency”

For only the second time in the its history, the World Health Organisation is calling for a global effort to contain polio outbreaks in Asia, the Middle East and Africa. In a statement this week the Organisation said the spread of the poliovirus constitutes an international health emergency.

“If unchecked, this situation could result in failure to eradicate globally one of the world’s most serious vaccine preventable diseases. It was the unanimous view of the committee that the conditions for a public health emergency of international concern have been met,” WHO said in a statement.

Polio is endemic in three countries, Nigeria, Pakistan, and Afghanistan, while it has been effectively eradicated elsewhere through vaccination programmes started in 1988. However, it is now spreading across borders due to military conflicts, and the breakdown of immunisation schemes.

WHO lists Afghanistan, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, Iraq, Israel, Nigeria, and Somalia as countries at risk of exporting polio in 2014. For people travelling abroad from infected countries, WHO recommends carrying a vaccination certificate to prevent problems as other countries try to limit their risk.

In 2013 WHO recorded 417 cases of polio worldwide. For 2014, 68 cases had already been recorded by 30 April. At the end of last year 60 percent of polio cases were the result of international spread of wild poliovirus, with evidence pointing to adult travellers being the cause of this spread.

In the first half of 2014, known as the low-transmission season, polio has already been spread across international borders notably – Pakistan to Afghanistan, Cameroon to Equatorial Guinea and Syria to Iraq. WHO is calling for a greater international effort to combat these outbreaks and prevent new ones as the start of high-transmission season begins in May/June writes

The polio virus typically affects children under five and can cause paralysis and death. It is usually spread via contaminated water, and around 95 percent of cases are asymptomatic, allowing the virus to spread among a community undetected. One in 200 infections leads to irreversible paralysis and five to ten percent of patients die when their respiratory muscles become immobilised. While there is no cure for polio, infection can be prevented by taking the vaccination.

ALC Health Director Chairs 8th Asia Health Insurance Conference, Singapore

ALC Health director Andrew Apps will be jetting off this month to chair the Health Insurance Asia Conference in Singapore (17-20 June)

After Japan, China has the second highest number of high net worth (HNW) individuals in Southeast Asia, with Forbes magazine naming 162 Chinese nationals breaking the billion dollar mark in its Forbes Billionaries 2014 list. Affluence is causing yet more population migration which is placing pressure on the medical services.