Living in Spain : be prepared for the cost of medical care


Whilst the most basic healthcare provided through the Spanish public healthcare system is usually provided free of charge, quite often after seeing your GP you may be referred to a Specialist who will charge for his services which you  may also need to be asked to settle at the time of your appointment

Should you need to go to hospital for treatment in a Spanish public hospital, make sure that you show your EHIC card when you arrive otherwise you could be charged as a private patient and be expected to settle in full before leaving or in some cases even before your treatment begins.

If you have a private medical insurance policy, you will normally be required to obtain ‘authorisation’ from your insurance company before you start your treatment otherwise you could find that you cover is reduced or even invalidated.

When you need a prescription, be prepared to pay for it

You will normally by charged for any prescription medicines obtained from a chemist unless you are a pensioner (so be prepared to prove your age if you are a pensioner) and should you require additional medication after leaving hospital, your will need to take the medical report given to you by the hospital to your family doctor, who will give you a prescription. Doctors in public hospitals will often prescribe medicines for when you leave hospital but do not issue the prescription forms.

ALC Health, one of the region’s leading international medical insurance providers has been protecting the financial health of expatriates in Spain, Gibraltar and Portugal for many years and offer a choice of international medical insurance products designed to take the financial worry out of receiving what can often be expensive medical care.

Choosing the cover that’s right for You

International health insurance is designed to cover the cost of treatment for curable, short-term illness or injury for which you are not suffering at the time of taking out your cover and which also allows you to seek treatment not only in your adopted country, but elsewhere including your home country.

Typically, an international medical insurance plan, such as those offered by ALC Health will cover those charges you might otherwise face were you to be admitted to a private hospital, in addition to out-patient specialist treatment fees, GP consultations charges and the cost of prescription drugs.

Other options you might wish to add to your insurance cover can usually be accommodated, including routine dental treatment (including regular check-ups), pregnancy & childbirth and even services such as optical care or an annual health check.

ALC Health has long been seen as the preferred choice when looking for a more personalised approached to international medical insurance and whether you are living in Spain, a frequent traveller or simply someone that demands access to the very best medical care available, ALC Health’s internationally recognised health insurance plans are designed to protect you and your family.

With its Head Office in the UK and European centre located in Marbella, Spain, ALC Health’s staff, many of whom have lived and worked overseas, understand what it is like to be living away from home and have experienced firsthand the difficulties that have to be faced as part of everyday life as an expatriate.

So if you are thinking about buying private medical insurance, talk to ALC Health or contact your local specialist medical insurance advisor and we will help you choose the cover that is right for you.


Centro Plaza Oficina 10

Planta 1 Nueva  Andalucia

29660 Marbella

Malaga Spain


T : + 34 952 93 16 09

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