More pensioners than children by 2050

According to a new report, there will be more pensioners around the world than children by 2050. This will present major challenges, not only to healthcare systems, but also to the workforce, housing and intergenerational relationships. The report, from the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), says the global population of over 50s will exceed the number of under 15s by 2050 reports Continue reading More pensioners than children by 2050

ALC Health launches new ‘Customer Online’ service providing a comprehensive claims management facility available 24/7 worldwide

ALC Health launches new ‘Customer Online Service’

We are delighted to announce another new online service for ALC Health policyholders with the launch of ‘Customer Online’ enabling  our members to check their cover details as well as submit, manage and monitor their claims 24 hours a day.

This new service called ‘Customer Online’ is available to all ALC Health global policyholders whose cover commenced on or after 1 December 2011 and offers a smooth, seamless process to pre-authorise treatment.  Receipts for claims which may have already been settled by the policyholder and the ability to track the progress of each and every claim, is now available using this new secure online web portal. Continue reading ALC Health launches new ‘Customer Online’ service providing a comprehensive claims management facility available 24/7 worldwide

Ebola outbreak in Uganda finally over

4 OCTOBER 2012 – The Ministry of Health (MoH), Uganda has declared today, the end of the Ebola haemorrhagic fever (EHF) outbreak in Kibaale district. The last case was confirmed on 3 August 2012 and was discharged from the hospital on 24 August 2012. This is double the maximum incubation period (21 days) for Ebola as recommended by WHO. In the outbreak, a total of 24 probable and confirmed cases were recorded, of which 11 were laboratory confirmed by the Uganda Virus Research Institute (UVRI) in Entebbe. A total of 17 deaths were reported in this outbreak. Continue reading Ebola outbreak in Uganda finally over

UAE citizens still travelling abroad for medical treatment

Despite most citizens being satisfied with healthcare in the Gulf state, many still travel abroad for treatment writes Bill Cariker of

Gallup survey of more than 4,000 GCC nationals found 87 percent of Emiratis are satisfied with the quality and accessibility of healthcare in the UAE. The country came second behind Qatar. Despite the large majority claiming happiness with the health system, two in five (39 percent) would still prefer to be treated abroad. Continue reading UAE citizens still travelling abroad for medical treatment